
Istanbul's Councillor Protesting Holland Decided To Let His Dutch Cow Live

Istanbul's city council member declaring he would slaughter his Dutch cow in protest to Holland's actions towards the Turkish minister and protestors in Rotterdam, stated today that he decided to let the cow live.

Istanbul's city council member declaring he would slaughter his Dutch cow in protest to Holland's actions towards the Turkish minister and protestors in Rotterdam, stated today that he decided to let the cow live.

Istanbul municipality's council member and Deputy Mayor of Beşiktaş district, Hüseyin Avni Sipahi made a written statement saying he "would not slaughter the cow, nor send it back to Holland, letting it live in the farm and give milk."

"Following some messages to our mayor by the citizens and Beşiktaş Mayor Murat Haznedar's tweet, and after our Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım saying that Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte apologizing, I declare to the public that I will not slaughter my Dutch cow" Sipahi said.

District Major intervened

Beşiktaş Mayor Murat Haznedar had tweeted earlier saying; "Dear brother, neither for the Holland's internal affairs that is turning to fascism, nor for our country's internal politics, I would not even the tail of that cow to be butchered."

Sipahi had said on Monday during the city council discussions to slaughter one of his Dutch cows in his farm to protest Dutch government, despite the fact that "it is giving abundant and pleasant milk."

Ahmet Selamet, the speaker of the council had supported him by saying, "Butcher it and invite all of us. Friends, we are going to eat it with pleasure." - Istanbul

Kaynak: Demirören Haber Ajansı / Güncel

Hüseyin Avni Sipahi Murat Haznedar Beşiktaş Politika Güncel Haberler

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