
Swimmers swim for 'world peace' in Datca


On September 1 World Peace Day, a group of swimmers swam for 'world peace' in the Datca district of MuglaOn the occasion of September 1, World Peace Day, 21 swimmers came together at Kumluk Beach in Datca.

On September 1 World Peace Day, a group of swimmers swam for 'world peace' in the Datca district of Mugla

On the occasion of September 1, World Peace Day, 21 swimmers came together at Kumluk Beach in Datca. The purple pedal bike group from Datca supported the swimmers, who opened a banner with the words 'Long live September 1, World Peace Day'. The swimmers swam for 3 miles between Kumluk Beach and the Yedi Kat Harbour. Datca Mayor Gürsel Ucar said that the wars in the world make the nations uneasy. "The only aim of civilization should be to live in peace and tranquility" said Ucar, citing the events in Afghanistan as an example.


Kaynak: Demirören Haber Ajansı / Güncel

Güncel Haberler

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